Heart centered offerings are a core element of my coaching business. As such, you'll find heaps of free content and tools to help you better understand death and loss and take those next steps on your healing journey.

Below are a few of my favourite resources so sign yourself up, brew your choice beverage, and commit to taking the actions necessary to heal your heart. 

Remember, the work doesn't work unless you do the work! 

Choose How To Get Started ...


Embracing Your Emotions

Live A Life You'll 
Be Proud To Leave

Your Epic Exit Party

Articles on Love, Life, and Loss

We tend to place value judgments on our emotions: endurance and bravery are favoured. “Negative” states like fear and doubtfulness can be stigmatized. 
This 5 part exploration takes you through reflective exercises to help neutralize judgments you may have around specific emotional states. Then you’ll be guided to release any emotional charge and unpack the wisdom within yourself.

Talking about the end is just the beginning.

The intention of this guidebook is to get you thinking and
talking about death and dying because 
doing this work today serves as a
cataclysmic tool to help you discover how you want to
live your life NOW. 

Have you thought about your own funeral? 

If the thought of talking about it makes your stomach flutter or get tied up in knots, GOOD, sign up for the email series because we need to lessen our fears around death. Especially your own. And talking about it helps makes the inevitable more palatable and definitely helps your loved ones whenever that time comes. It’s the classic win/win.

Not ready to commit just yet? No worries, I got you dear reader. 

Head on over to my blog where I write about all things life, love, loss, death, dying, grief, my cancer journey, my life lessons, my spirituality ... basically, all the things that make this human experience so beautifully messy.

Hi, I'm Tammy, and I'm so honoured that you're here.
I'm a Certified Life Coach, Grief Recovery Specialist & Educator, Death Doula, Yoga & Meditation Teacher, and Heart Centered Facilitator that specializes in guiding people through loss, back to life.

From facing a cancer diagnosis as a child, and again as an adult, to navigating the tragic death of a dear friend (while traveling alone on the other side of the world), to caregiving for the elderly, and even sitting bedside during their final breaths, I empathize with how heavy, unyielding, and isolating grief can feel.

It took me years to learn all that I have and now I'm truly excited to share my holistic tools that have not only helped me, but hundreds of others around the world, to complete the pain of loss(es) so we can move forward.

 Are you ready to take the action necessary to heal your heart?

I'm ready if you are.  💜

Inner Travel Grief Coaching™ All rights reserved.

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