The 'Toxic Twins' Of Your Emotions

Grief and shame are intimately linked, deeply affecting our physical, emotional, mental, and energetic well-being. This post delves into the world of the Solar Plexus Chakra, exploring its critical role in how we process these full-contact emotions. Learn about the shadow of shame that can imbalance this chakra and the innovative ways to bring it back into harmony. We offer practical tips for moving through grief and shame, from embracing grief coaching to simple daily actions that can make a significant difference. Discover yoga poses that stimulate the solar plexus and the power of empathy and self-love in healing. Join us in taking the first steps towards transforming grief into an opportunity for growth and redefining your sense of self.

Hooked On A Feeling - Understanding Your Sacral Chakra

Transitions, whether they are seasonal shifts or life changes, often bring a mix of challenging and uncomfortable emotions. This post focuses on the Sacral Chakra, your emotional powerhouse, helping you navigate these changes with grace and strength. We delve into understanding how to process emotions like grief, an inevitable part of transitions, using them as a catalyst for growth and healing. Discover practical strategies such as honoring your needs, moving your body, and incorporating elements like color and water to support and balance your Sacral Chakra. Join us in transforming these emotional journeys into opportunities for deeper self-awareness and life's vibrant possibilities.

Why your Root Chakra is so damn powerful

Imagine tapping into a part of you that can bring more peace, stability, and even abundance. Welcome to the world of the root chakra, an energy center in your body that, when nurtured, can profoundly impact your life. Join us as we explore this mystical aspect of the energetic body, far beyond the realm of conventional science. Learn how caring for your root chakra can make life feel more stable and manageable. From connecting with nature to practicing yoga poses, we'll guide you through simple yet powerful ways to nourish this vital energy source, laying a strong foundation for your overall well-being.

How To Cope With OOO Anxiety

Do you have OOO anxiety? Learn how to prioritize rest and relaxation in a world that pushes productivity. 

Community Care

There’s a certain kind of healing that can only happen within the context of community. Listen, I’m all about some serious ‘self-care’ (especially the kind that’s proactive vs. more here), but there are times we just need to be witnessed. Validated. When we need someone to tell us, “Yep, that totally sucks.” or “You got this woman!” And this brand of ‘community care’ is something that we simply cannot do on our own (no matter how hard we try). 
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