You ever have one of those moments where everything seems so close—like the universe is dangling a carrot right in front of your face, only to yank it away at the last second?
Yeah, I had one of those recently, and it taught me a lesson I didn’t even know I needed.
Here’s what went down:
I had a meeting lined up that felt like a game-changer. You know, one of those “this is it” moments. Everything was flowing, the vibe was right, all the stars seemed aligned.
And then...
Reality check. Turns out, we'd have to delay things for a few months. Sigh. So, instead of accepting it and chilling, I went into full-blown panic hustle mode. You know the one, right? Where you start scrambling to 'right the wrong' that just happened and DO something to ensure that you'll be ok.
I got about 90% done with a new project, a workshop I was going to offer online. I had emails prepped, ready to hit send. The DO something energy was strong.
And then… GUS (God, Universe, Spirit—take your pick) stepped in.
Not with a subtle whisper, but with a giant neon sign that basically said, “Stop Tammy. This is NOT the move.” I fought it at first, but after a restless night, I woke up with a clear message: If doing isn’t working, try being instead. Even when it feels like the worst time to hit pause, sometimes the best move is to surrender.
So I decided to stop. No emails, no hustle, no scrambling. Just me, being present and taking a random day off of work (wayyy easier said than done).
And then, while I was taking a nap (go figure), a new opportunity dropped into my lap. Something better than what I had been stressing over.
, this happens Every. Single. Time I take my foot off the gas and surrender, GUS shows up with something way better than my overworked brain could ever dream up. ✨
Which got me thinking...what if “fuck around and find out” doesn’t mean what we’ve always thought?
Most of us think that “fuck around” means doing something reckless, wasting time, or generally screwing things up. But what if it’s actually about taking a break from the hustle? What if it’s giving yourself permission to stop pushing and be present? To breathe? To go outside and just see what the day brings? Because when you do that, guess what—you find out what you’re actually meant to know. What you’re supposed to do next.
The real “fuck around and find out” might just be about trusting that sometimes, the best thing you can do is nothing. Let the universe—or GUS, or whatever you believe in—do some of the heavy lifting.
So, what’s the takeaway?
If you’re stuck in that frantic, “I’ve gotta make something happen right now” mindset, stop. Breathe. Consider the possibility that maybe—just maybe—you’re not supposed to hustle harder. Maybe the magic happens when you step back and let life catch up to you. Because every time you do, the universe has a funny way of showing up with exactly what you need.
Your Turn: Is there an area in your life where you’re pushing too hard? How can you take a step back and trust that the universe has your back? Hit reply and let me know—I’d love to hear about it.
With you in the art of “f*cking around” (aka being present),

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