Real Conversations on Grief, Growth, & the WTF of Midlife

Life is weird. Grief is weirder. Midlife? A total plot twist.

Whether you're shouting “What’s happening to my body?!” or quietly wondering “Now what?” — you’re not alone.

This space is for thoughtful insights, soul-stirring truth, and the kind of support that meets you where you are.

As such, please choose your path below:

WTF is happening to my body?! → For women navigating the wild ride of perimenopause
What now? → For women moving beyond the initial chaos, ready to reclaim clarity, purpose, and self-trust

Either way, you’ll find a curated resource, exclusive content, and first dibs on workshops and gatherings—wrapped in warmth, wisdom, and the occasional midlife meltdown.

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Inner Travel Grief Coaching™ All rights reserved.

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