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Meet Tammy

Since 2010, Tammy Faulds has been utilizing her heart-expanding and holistic coaching skills to guide people from around the world, through loss to life. 
Being an avid learner, Tammy has continued to tickle her grey matter and has earned her certifications as a life coach, death doula, grief educator and specialist, heart centered leader, and yoga and meditation teacher. However, Tammy’s education really began at the innocent age of 6 when she received a cancer diagnosis. And over the years, whether it's for her annual oncology appointments, while working with seniors as they candidly share some of life's regrets, or sitting bedside with loved ones in extremis -  she’s constantly reminded that life, and the death that will inevitably come, is precious.
And she finds this fascinating. Liberating in fact. Because death needn't be feared. In fact, death is just misunderstood. And it's screaming to be heard because it knows it can truly teach us how to live out life in a way that no book, no movie, and no TED talk can.
But we have cold feet and we're too scared to have the conversation. Which is why Tammy’s made it her duty to lovingly facilitate these heart centered conversations. And why Tammy’s made death, her life's work. 

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