... to honour your courageous heart. 💜
Thank you for being here and trusting in me, this process, and yourself.
The final step in this registration process is your mailing address so I can order your materials and get them sent directly to your home.

1. Complete the form by clicking the button
I need your mailing address so I can send you the materials you'll need to get started. 
This is a private portal, so your information is safe with me. 

2. Check your email
Once that form is submitted, look for an email with the subject line 
“In preparation for The Grief Recovery Method®”.

3. Read through the email
So you can get an idea of what to expect as we work through the Grief Recovery Method®. 
Once I know the delivery date of your materials in the mail, I'll follow up with you.


Inner Travel Grief Coaching™ All rights reserved.

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